CSS Fonts

These are some of the basic CSS fonts properties.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to describe the presentation of web pages, including fonts. These are some of the basic CSS fonts properties:

font-family: this property specifies the font family or typeface of the text. For example, "font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" will set the font to Arial if it is available on the user's computer, and if not, it will use a sans-serif font.

font-size: this property specifies the size of the font. It can be specified in pixels, ems, or other units. For example, "font-size: 16px;" will set the font size to 16 pixels.

font-weight: this property specifies the weight or boldness of the font. It can be set to "normal" or "bold", or a numeric value between 100 and 900. For example, "font-weight: bold;" will make the text bold.

font-style: this property specifies the style of the font, such as italic or normal. For example, "font-style: italic;" will make the text italic.

font-variant: this property specifies the variant of the font, such as small-caps. For example, "font-variant: small-caps;" will make the text appear in small capitals.

text-transform: this property specifies the capitalization of the text, such as uppercase or lowercase. For example, "text-transform: uppercase;" will make the text appear in all uppercase letters.

These are just a few of the CSS properties related to fonts. There are many others, such as line-height, letter-spacing, and text-decoration, which can be used to further customize the appearance of text on a web page.

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